Friday, July 9, 2010

What's your MBTI type and does it affect your style?

If you don't know... MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and is one of the most popular personality sorters out there. You can take the modified (Keirsey Bates) version of the test: CLICK ME - you don't have to pay or register.

Anyway, I got INTP, which means that I'm introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. The type is know as the Architect from the team of Rationals, according to Keirsey - or the nerd/the geek, according to many people. This seems kind of accurate - and the nice thing is that Albert Einstein was an INTP (or rather would have been an INTP if he'd taken the test).

I don't look like a stereotypical geek. I don't wear glasses and thick plaid shirts. In fact, I am concerned about my appearance. That much is obvious; however, I'm not a girly girl either. There is also a theory about NTs paying attention only to comfort and versatility (I DON'T). And of course, many people believe that INTPs have exactly one set of clothing. I am here to prove them wrong!

Nevertheless, I wouldn't be myself if I didn't analyze every tiny aspect of my fashion choices, right?

I versus E: being introverted, I care about feeling good in my clothes and less about impressing others. This doesn't mean that my wardrobe consists of frumpy, but comfortable items. For example, when shopping, my first thought is "will I feel good?", not "what will people think of me if I wear it"?

N versus S: while S is about details and being down to earth, N is about the big picture and having head in the clouds. Actually, I don't really like patterned clothes, or girly details like frills, sequins, tiny diamonds and floral prints. I'm not attached to brand clothes as well.

T versus F: I don't know if being a thinking (rather than feeling) person affects my style choices. Maybe it's about choosing dark and cool colours, or not liking pink? On the other hand, many NFs don't wear pink either. I have no idea.

P versus J: This might be the most important factor. I hate being forced to wear a particular style, or colour; I couldn't follow a strict dress code. I'm not going to follow the latest trends, because feeling good in my clothes is most important. For example, you can see nude beige tones in stores this summer: I look positively washed-out in dusty tones, so I'm sticking to my blue and black, even if everyone else is wearing beige, tan and grey.

Have you noticed any MBTI and style correlations? Or maybe you believe that there is no such thing?

PS: I found a test that claims to figure out your MBTI type based on your facial features. I got ISTP (with Sensing being the most prominent, while I'm very N), so it's not really accurate. I'm not going to believe that there is such thing as "an extroverted forehead". After all, it's our brains that think, not our foreheads! :)


  1. Hi Itarti,
    I LOVE thinking about MBTI. It's because I am an INFJ.
    However, when I tested while in college I got INTP, and later, INTJ. However, the test is only a guide. I have a feeling that, like me, you may be INFP or INFJ and that is why you care about looking good. Also, you may want to read about how the different types and "shadow" types exhibit themselves. You might be surprised to find yourself more in the "F" camp than you think!
    That said, even though I know I am "F", I grew up around two VERY strong "T"s, and so my "T" side is highly developed. That's why I test as a "T" most of the time. And no, "T"s don't care much about clothing. ESPECIALLY NT's, who don't even really care that much what others think about how they look.
    My brother, who is very INTJ, loves his cargo pants with the zip-off legs, boots that he doesn't have to tie (he rotates a dial in the back to tighten them), and comfortable tees. He buys only to replace, and replaces only when the garment is no longer functional.

    I DO think there is a MBTI/style correlation. However, I think MBTI can exhibit itself in such complex ways that sometimes it's hard to link the two. Broadly, I'd say SFP's are probably more experimental with their style (trendy, if you will, although think about an older man who is SFP...trendy? no, but maybe still pushing the envelope for his position in life). NF's are probably more understated but complex (think intersting color combos, funky tailoring, interesting proportions). SFJ's are probably more preppy/conservative and conserned about being seen as "appropriate". (For instance white button downs under cable knit sweaters)

    It would be interesting to get a poll going where people show a picutre of their favorite outfit next to their MBTI type!

  2. Hey, my mum is an INFJ too :)

    I've read about the shadow types. It's interesting; after all, our brains works in many different ways. I'm fairly sure that I'm in the T camp and it doesn't mean that I'm completely devoid of feelings. This means that I'm way more comfortable when dealing with logical systems (as opposed to dealing with emotions). Sometimes I wish I were a feeler, especially in interpersonal relations.

    And paying attention to my appearance doesn't mean that I'm not a NT, I think. But then again, I might be an exception that proves the rule.

    I love your thoughts about MBTI/style correlation. While our clothes are largely influenced by cultural factors, the personality is still very important.

  3. Methinks your mum is a lovely lady! Of course you aren't devoid of feelings! In fact, I score very weakly on all of the letters except N and I. I don't like dealing with people either, but I am an F. But my reasons for being a hermit are probably different than yours. (-;

  4. wow! this is a COMPLETELY new one on me. i have no opinion, but plan to let this idea percolate in the cranial recesses, see what leaks out eventually......
